

Ostomy pouches

Manage your stoma simply and with ease. A range of pouches, specifically designed to suit your type of stoma, your body shape and lifestyle choices.

Select your stoma type to explore our range of pouches

For Colostomates, it is best to use a closed pouch as the stoma output is usually quite firm. If the output is more liquid though, then a drainable pouch is best.

People with an ileostomy will normally use a drainable pouch.

People with a urostomy will normally use a pouch with a tap or a bung.


For Colostomates, it is best to use a closed pouch as the stoma output is usually quite firm. If the output is more liquid though, then a drainable pouch is best.


People with an ileostomy will normally use a drainable pouch.


People with a urostomy will normally use a pouch with a tap or a bung.