Creases and folds

Creases and folds

  • The skin around your stoma may be uneven due to creases or folds.  This can happen if you have lost or gained weight.
  • Creating a flat surface by filling in dips and creases before applying the pouch will help to prevent leakages or sore skin. A flatter skin surface can be achieved by stretching the crease or skin fold before applying a pouch or accessory product.

See below for product recommendations to help with creases and skin folds.

eakin Cohesive® paste

eakin Cohesive® paste is an alcohol-free, no sting adhesive paste and a skin friendly filler for effective protection against leakage.

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Stoma not in an ideal position

Stoma not in an ideal position

  • If you have had emergency surgery and your stoma was not sited before your operation, your stoma may not be in the most ideal place on your abdomen.
  • If your stoma is too close to the midline scar or the hip bone or formed in a crease you will have a greater risk of experiencing leakages.

 See below for product recommendations to help with a poorly sited stoma.

eakin Cohesive® small

The Extra Protector. eakin Cohesive® small is our thickest seal that prevents leaks for those with looser output such as high output stomas, loose or watery output or urine. The thicker seal can also be stretched and moulded easily around irregular shaped stomas less than 50mm.

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eakin Cohesive® slims

Your Leak Preventer. eakin Cohesive® slims provide everyday skin protection and security from unexpected leaks. Ideal for use as part of a regular stoma routine for added confidence.

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eakin Cohesive® stomawrap

Your Time Saver. eakin Cohesive® stomawrap has a unique oval shape and cut out section.  Simply wrap and overlap to create a secure seal. Ideal as a timesaver for large or irregular shaped stomas over 50mm or for those with limited dexterity or impaired vision – simply wrap around your stoma.

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eakin Cohesive® paste

eakin Cohesive® paste is an alcohol-free, no sting adhesive paste and a skin friendly filler for effective protection against leakage.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.



The term parastomal hernia is used to describe a bulge or swelling on or around your stoma.

Trying to prevent the formation of a parastomal hernia is recommended.

  • Try not to lift anything heavy within first 6-8 weeks following surgery.
  • If you intend to do any strenuous work when you have fully recovered from your surgery, you should wear a support belt to protect the abdominal muscles.
  • Try and commence exercises to strengthen the core abdominal muscles ( seek professional advice from physiotherapist).
  • The shape and size of the stoma may change due to an enlarged hernia. Measure the stoma regularly to ensure your pouch accurately fits the size of the stoma.
  • A more flexible baseplate will achieve a better fit.

See below for product recommendations to help with managing your stoma when you have a hernia.

eakin Cohesive® small

The Extra Protector. eakin Cohesive® small is our thickest seal that prevents leaks for those with looser output such as high output stomas, loose or watery output or urine. The thicker seal can also be stretched and moulded easily around irregular shaped stomas less than 50mm.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

eakin Cohesive® slims

Your Leak Preventer. eakin Cohesive® slims provide everyday skin protection and security from unexpected leaks. Ideal for use as part of a regular stoma routine for added confidence.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

Loose Output

Loose Output

Leaks can occur as a result of loose or liquid output.

  • Medications, a change in diet or an infection can contribute to a change in bowel function.
  • Some foods that can help to thicken the output and slow it down include marshmallows, jelly beans or a ripe banana.

Using a solidifying agent may help.  Please visit to find a suitable product that is available in your country. 

eakin Cohesive® small

The Extra Protector. eakin Cohesive® small is our thickest seal that prevents leaks for those with looser output such as high output stomas, loose or watery output or urine. The thicker seal can also be stretched and moulded easily around irregular shaped stomas less than 50mm.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

eakin Cohesive® slims

Your Leak Preventer. eakin Cohesive® slims provide everyday skin protection and security from unexpected leaks. Ideal for use as part of a regular stoma routine for added confidence.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

Choose the correct pouch

Choose the correct pouch

It is not unusual that the first pouch you choose or is recommended to you does not suit in the longer term.

  • A change in body shape, gaining or losing weight can affect the skin around the stoma and how far the stoma protrudes.  If this is the case you will need to contact your stoma nurse as a convex pouch may be more appropriate.
  • Any change can affect the performance of the stoma pouch and the security it offers you.
  • Trying alternative pouches can help to achieve a secure reliable stoma routine.

Please visit to find a suitable product that is available in your country. 

Measure your stoma

Measure your stoma

During the first 6-8 weeks your stoma will shrink and change in shape and size.

  • An accurate cutting template will help to prevent many skin and leakage problems.
  • If the hole is too big, the skin around the stoma will be exposed to the output and at risk of skin damage.
  • If the hole is too small, the pouch will not adhere securely to the skin.
  • Use your measuring guide once a week to measure the size of your stoma and cut your pouch to the most appropriate size.
  • Some people may find it difficult cutting their pouch and achieving an accurate template.

See below for product recommendations to protect the skin around the stoma when it is changing shape and reducing in size.

eakin Cohesive® small

The Extra Protector. eakin Cohesive® small is our thickest seal that prevents leaks for those with looser output such as high output stomas, loose or watery output or urine. The thicker seal can also be stretched and moulded easily around irregular shaped stomas less than 50mm.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

eakin Cohesive® slims

Your Leak Preventer. eakin Cohesive® slims provide everyday skin protection and security from unexpected leaks. Ideal for use as part of a regular stoma routine for added confidence.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

I am making frequent pouch changes

I am making frequent pouch changes

Changing your stoma pouch too often will increase the risk of causing damage to your skin around the stoma.

How much is too much?

  • Closed pouch – more than 3 times a day.
  • Drainable pouch – more than once a day.
  • Urostomy pouch – more than alternate days.

If you are changing your pouch more frequently than this, you may need to consider changing to a different pouch.  We would recommend you contact your stoma nurse as you may need to switch to a 2-piece system.

The products below could help to extend your pouch weartime and reduce the number of changes you make.

eakin Cohesive® small

The Extra Protector. eakin Cohesive® small is our thickest seal that prevents leaks for those with looser output such as high output stomas, loose or watery output or urine. The thicker seal can also be stretched and moulded easily around irregular shaped stomas less than 50mm.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.

eakin Cohesive® slims

Your Leak Preventer. eakin Cohesive® slims provide everyday skin protection and security from unexpected leaks. Ideal for use as part of a regular stoma routine for added confidence.

You will be redirected to our US partner’s website to fulfil your sample request.