How long does it take for it to get into a regular routine after chemotherapy?

Because my chemo started just quite soon after I’d had the stoma at the start it was still quite round, and I think probably it’s quite swollen as well for a while until it settles down.

So, it eventually then became oval. So, I have an oval shaped stoma now and when my bags are precut they’re cut into that oval shape.

That changed whilst I was having chemo. The shape of my stoma changed.

I think it most for most people that happens, and it happens within a few months of your stoma being created, but mine did change, so I had to get different bags.

So, after chemo finished, I took chemo for three months and then after that I would say it took a good three to six months after that for my bowel to start to settle down.

I always say to people when anyone asks me, how long does it take for it to get into a regular routine?

You’re told by the surgeons and the stoma nurses will normally tell you it takes about six months for your bowel to settle down. But I would say when chemo comes in between, it took me a good year until I got into a routine, and it does.

I didn’t believe at the start. I didn’t believe it ever would get into any kind of routine. Just thinking this thing is never going to settle down.

It’s a nightmare and I was changing it, when I came home from hospital, I was changing it five times a day, which at the very beginning that was really horrendous. I came home from hospital with a flat standard bag and it wasn’t, I think because of the velocity of output at the time and your body’s getting used to it that I would say that anybody else, this may not be right for everybody else, but certainly as soon as I discovered a convex bag, it made a big, big difference.

When I came home from hospital, I think because I was just using the standard bag just immediately after getting the stoma, that gave me a lot more leaks. So, like I said, I was changing the bag five times a day and then I had really, really sore skin. That’s when I found out about the barrier wipe and use the barrier wipes.

But my bowel, it did settle down and it did settle down so within a year of me having the operation. It very much settled down and I said, you know, I look back when people say to me is it ever going to settle down, this is a nightmare.

Yes and no, because I was there, but trust me, it really does. It does settle down and it’s now into such a regular routine. Sometimes I even forget I have a stoma.

Practical tips for coping with an irregular routine

Your stoma will change shape and size, tips for managing this:

  • Measure your stoma regularly to ensure a secure fit, that the pouch isn’t too loose or too tight.
  • Consider a mouldable seal around your stoma as an extra barrier if your pouch is cut inaccurately.
  • Your routine may change – don’t worry this is normal, especially as chemotherapy drugs are in your system.
  • Your stoma and your body is unique to you, as such it can take a while for your routine to settle but you will get into a rhythm.
  • Talk to your stoma care nurse if you are concerned or visit for more advice.