Help & advice

Chemotherapy support

Thriving beyond today: You have the power of choice as you navigate managing your stoma through chemotherapy.

You’ve come through a lot so far. From finding out your diagnosis, to telling family and friends plus treatment beginning - it can feel like a lot all at once.

Be so proud of yourself, although there may feel like so much to learn and adapt to, you will find your own way to manage your stoma, in your own time.

You can use these blogs to help you prepare for changes to your routine that you may experience as chemotherapy begins, so that you can feel more in control and prepared.

Are you finding your routine is a bit more unpredictable? You're not alone - read on to hear how others adapted their daily routines during chemotherapy.

Dexterity challenges can mean you don’t have the same level of hand coordination as you may usually have or you are sensitive to cold things. We share practical tips for coping with these challenges

The most important thing is you look after yourself and you listen to your body, resting where you can. Our blogs cover the support you need to feel in control.

Hear from individuals just like you who have a stoma, have undergone chemotherapy and who each have a passion for sharing their experiences to help others.

Your support network is so important while you're going through chemotherapy with a stoma. Here's some hints and tips on how to prepare and also stories from ostomates on where they found strong support.

Changing routine

Are you finding your routine is a bit more unpredictable? You're not alone - read on to hear how others adapted their daily routines during chemotherapy.


Dexterity challenges can mean you don’t have the same level of hand coordination as you may usually have or you are sensitive to cold things. We share practical tips for coping with these challenges

Looking after you

The most important thing is you look after yourself and you listen to your body, resting where you can. Our blogs cover the support you need to feel in control.

My journey

Hear from individuals just like you who have a stoma, have undergone chemotherapy and who each have a passion for sharing their experiences to help others.

Support and advice

Your support network is so important while you're going through chemotherapy with a stoma. Here's some hints and tips on how to prepare and also stories from ostomates on where they found strong support.

Introducing: A Bigger Life

A safe and welcoming space for ostomates, friends, family and caregivers to talk about a wide range of topics related to living with a stoma.