
Help and advice for new or experienced ostomates

We have created a range of articles to help new and experienced ostomates come to terms with the situation they are facing. They offer help and advice on topics such as preparing for surgery, applying an ostomy pouch, diet and lifestyle issues.

What kind of advice are you looking for?

You can use these blogs to help you prepare for changes to your routine that you may experience as chemotherapy begins, so that you can feel more in control and prepared.

Following stoma surgery, it's natural to have a lot of questions and concerns. This guidance will help you adapt to living with your new stoma.

Experiencing issues with your pouching routine is extremely common. Fortunately, most of these issues can be solved with a few adjustments and can be very easily managed.

Chemotherapy support

You can use these blogs to help you prepare for changes to your routine that you may experience as chemotherapy begins, so that you can feel more in control and prepared.

Returning to normal life

Following stoma surgery, it's natural to have a lot of questions and concerns. This guidance will help you adapt to living with your new stoma.

Stoma care concerns

Experiencing issues with your pouching routine is extremely common. Fortunately, most of these issues can be solved with a few adjustments and can be very easily managed.

Introducing: A Bigger Life

A safe and welcoming space for ostomates, friends, family and caregivers to talk about a wide range of topics related to living with a stoma.