Caring through Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy presents a difficult time for any individual but for an ostomate, the impact on their daily life can be especially challenging.
In this page we aim to highlight some of these challenges and the educational booklet download gives an in depth insight into small changes to ostomy routines can make a big difference to those undergoing chemotherapy.

of ostomies are a result of cancer
of individuals reported at least one side effect related to chemotherapy treatment
Both for those adjusting to life with a stoma and those who have an established stoma care routine, chemotherapy can add a level of complexity that can be difficult to manage. The side effects directly caused by chemotherapy can be overwhelming, confusing and impact an individual’s quality of life.

Side effects of chemotherapy can include:

Help improve patient outcomes
Download our complementary educational booklet today. The information contained within booklet aims to provide healthcare professionals with insight into caring for ostomates undergoing chemotherapy. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges that impact the effectiveness of ostomy products and care routines. Plus discover how simple adjustments can vastly improve patient quality of life, both psychologically and physically.

Read our latest blog posts
Trust eakin® to adapt for chemotherapy
Supporting your patients through every challenging day

Product choice
We have a wide range of pouches, seals and accessories to support your patients following discharge. If you would like samples, please contact your local rep.